Head for Speed and safety.
Various certificates officially confirm our high standards of quality and ensure that you can fully trust in our reliability. This is a fact we are very proud of and that especially our partners appreciate.
Trust in our reliability.
As a businessman you are searching for a reliable partner and you cannot afford to take risks in this matter. We know that an excellent financial standing is the basis of every valuable business relationship and we can be sure of meeting this precise requirement of yours: the credit reference agency Creditreform Austria assessed our company with an excellent credit rating of 124, whereas D&B assessed Tirolia with the top grade 1. But also the comprehensive insurance coverage we offer in order to reduce your risks during the transportation of your goods will convince you.
We provide sufficient insurance coverage for every transportation in accordance with the CMR Convention at no extra cost. And there is one more thing we want you to know: with the Tirolia Speedition you choose a partner that was certified in accordance with the internationally accepted quality standard ISO 9001:2015 + ISO 14001:2015.
It is good to trust somebody – but it is even better to know about the officially certified quality of your business partners.
Michael Lukasser
Managing Director
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